The first recorded and Minuted meeting under the organization name of Ottawa Master Plumbers’ Association was Thursday, June 18th, 1931 and was held at Chez Henri in Hull, Quebec. Present at the meeting were:
- Mr. R.C. Alexander
- Mr. A. Hodgkinson
- Mr. H.H. Tapp
- Mr. G. Smith
- Mr. W. Cole Mr. R.A. Seasons – Secretary
- Mr. A. Marsh
At that time, the Treasurer reported a balance in bank of $3.77, and stated that he would endeavor to collect the amounts unpaid to date by members, to replenish the treasury.
In the early 30’s a major concern troubling the City of Ottawa was the dangerous and increasingly sewer explosions. Following the Ottawa Master Plumbers’ Association recommendation, the City of Ottawa implemented the necessary changes to their Plumbing By-law.
February 22nd, 1933.
The entire slate of officers were re-elected for 1933 as follow:
- Mr. C. McKinley
- Mr. E.T. Coldry
- Mr. W. Cole
- Mr. A.L. Hodgkinson
- Mr. H. Tapp
- Mr. A.J. Marsh
- Mr. A. Williams
- Mr. R.A. Seasons
- Mr. G.P. Erskine
Labour negotiations between the Association and Local 71 was first recorded in 1933 when a new collective agreement was ratified effective May 1st of that year.
Cross-border commerce was a topic of concern even back then. The association labeled it “unfair competition” originating with Quebec (Hull) contractors picking-up work in Ottawa. The Association looked at increasing Quebec license fee in order to lessen their entry in the Ottawa region.
As the Association began to grow in membership and power the Board agreed to meet on a regular monthly basis. Meetings were held on the last Wednesday of each month.
On October 4th, 1935, a new annual membership due was set at $5.00 plus $1.00 monthly membership contribution.
Some of our past President/Chairman:
- Mr. Henry H. Tapp, President From October 4th , 1935 to November 20th, 1940
- Mr.George J, Smith From Nov. 20, 1940 to Nov. 18, 1942
- Mr. E.J. Sherwood From Nov. 18, 1942 to Dec. 1944
- Mr. R. Seasons From Jan. 1945 to Dec 1946
- Mr. W.G. McLennan for the year 1947
- Mr. Rene Chenever from Dec. 15, 1947
The following wage rate was negotiated and settled effective Dec. 1, 1940 at $1.00 per hour on a 44 hour work-week.
First Ladies Night (social evening) for members planned for fall of 1941
A proposed code of Ethics was presented on Nov. 19, 1941
Feb. 24, 1950 was the last recorded meeting until May 6,1966 where recorded meetings resumed.
MCA Ottawa was incorporated on May 6, 1966 with a Federal Charter.
The transition period took one day, June 15th to June 16th, 1966. Officially and authorized Board members, mostly lawyers, held office in order to facilitate and seeing of a new Board of Directors. They were:
- David Edward Nicholson, lawyer
- Helen Monson
- Patrick Watson, lawyer
On June 16, 1966, the transition Board members handed their resignations and were replaced by Mr. Les Barber nominated as Chairman of the Board.
Marcel Carriere elected as a Director of the company replacing Helen Monson.
Immediately thereafter it was resolved that applications for membership be sent to all present members in the Canadian Plumbing and Mechanical Contractors Association. It was moved and seconded that the design symbol currently used by MCA Ottawa be adopted as the symbol of the company and remains today.
The Association’s first slate of officers’ effective June 16, 1966 to April 13, 1967:
- Les Barber President
- Keith Bradley vice-president
- Karl Alexander Secretary
- W. Williams Treasurer
- K.R. Boulton General Manager
- Tony Vodsedalek Director
- A.C.Malone Director
- Gordie Band Director
- Marcel Carriere Director
- R. Maher Director
- J. Clarke Director
- R. Albert Director
- S. Boone Director
- J. Robertson Director
In 1966 the following committees were organized and many remain today:
- Entertainment Committee
- Golf Tournament Committee
- Bid-Depository Sub-Committee
- Membership Committee
- Finance Committee
- Labour Relations Committee
- Education Committee
- Associate Members
- Ordinary Members
Apprenticeship ratio of 1 for 3 had been legislated by the Department of Labour’s Apprenticeship Branch.
Effective June 1, 1967 the MCA Ottawa charge-out rate was $8.00 /hr and now is closer to $70.00/hr.
On November 1, 1967and with all rights and privileges, the Sheet Metal Contractors of Ottawa joined MCA Ottawa. At that time, industry fund contribution was set at .03 cent per hour from each hour worked by an employee.
Moved at the March 28, 1967 Annual General Meeting the industry fund contribution was increased to .05 cents per mhr with the Association’s $40,000. annual budget. Today, the association’s industry fund is based at .32 cents per mhr on a $500,000. annual budget.
The Chairmen of the Board before being incorporated:
- R.C. Alexander 1931 –1933
- Henry H. Tapp 1935 – 1940
- George J. Smith 1940 – 1942
- E.J. Sherwood 1942 – 1944
- R. Seasons 1945 – 1946
- W.G. McLennan 1947
- Rene Chenever 1947 – 1948
The Chairmen of the Board once MCA Ottawa was incorporated:
- W.L. Barber 1966 – 1967
- J. Robertson 1967 – 1968
- K. Bradley 1968 – 1969
- R.A. Vodsedalek 1969 – 1970
- R.W. Irving 1970 – 1971
- J.R. Seguin 1971 – 1972
- F.C. Bybelezer 1972 – 1973
- L.E. Frazer 1974
- A. Giroux 1975
- U. Goldberg 1976 – 1977
- S. Ferguson 1977
- J.R. Seguin 1978
- R. Jetzelsperger 1979 – 1980
- A. Miller 1981
- H.A. Francis 1982 – 1983
- J.R. McAninch 1984 – 1985
- P.G. Harris 1986 – 1987
- R.C. Laframboise 1988 – 1989
- P. Dillon 1990
- R. Raymond 1991 –1992
- Larry Crawford 1993 – 1994
- Brian Francis 1995 – 1996
- Earle H. Bell 1997 – 1998
- Mike Cowan 1999 – 2000
- Dennis Egan 2001 – 2002
- Tony Sottile 2003 – 2004
- Andre Richard 2005 – 2006
- Danny Dillon 2007 – 2008
- Don Bennett 2009 – 2010
- Serge Robert 2011 – 2012
- Scott Crawford 2013 – 2014
- Mark Brown 2015 – 2016
- Denis Seguin 2017 – 2018
- Scott Timlin 2019 – 2020
- Cathy Godin 2020 – 2022
- Dan Gravelle 2023 –